Pivotal to the foundation of our society, communications technology has seen rapid innovation as the flux continues to introduce new, complex, and agile alternatives which displace their predecessors. These solutions have been continuously adopted by companies throughout a myriad of industries as different businesses either attempt to solidify their position or oust their competitors.
However, while these hypercompetitive environments provoke constant change, the education sector has remained stagnant when adopting new technologies, instead languishing on dated equipment and devices which limit their infrastructure.
Increasingly disorganized systems have deteriorated the possible benefits available to these universities, which could provide better online services at a reduced cost with the institution of SD-WAN.
For these universities, our ConnX AI SD-WAN solution provides a powerful, scalable, and secure alternative to reorganize and transmute the pre-existing structure with a variety of accessibility and performance capabilities.
Through our multi-service platform, colleges and universities can more efficiently support digital learning, cultivating their educational offerings to include seamless access to e-platforms, content portals, and online classes.
Having integrated our solution into its infrastructure, Remington College has improved the efficacy of its services across the board, increasing satisfaction for several degree and diploma programs offered over sixteen US campuses.
Our platform has provided Remington with an array of benefits, including:
- Centralized SIP trunking with SBCaaS (session border controllers) enhances Teams Direct Routing connectivity while reducing cost
- ConnX Seamless Migration service with end-user training and adoption
- ConnX AI Assurance Analytics for Voice Call Monitoring
By bringing our solution into the field of education, educators can provide next-level quality of service, which facilitates student conditions to work from anywhere with easy access to resources.
A scalable and resilient network empowers colleges and universities to continually develop their offerings to students in the education ecosystem.
Incorporating our solution into the education sector has seamlessly integrated an array of benefits for our clients, improving the experience of students and lecturers; the advantages of ConnX AI SD-WAN are evident in other colleges and universities aiming to enhance user experiences.
To see ConnX in action, sign up here for a free network assessment.

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